About T.H.U.S.
T.H.U.S. Ministries International admonishes believers to walk in their REdemption, REnewal, REstoration, REvitalization, and RElationship with TOTAL REliance on God!
T.H.U.S Beliefs
Be Here! Be You! Belong!
Be Here
We believe that as a “T.H.U.S.” partner you will assuredly experience the unmerited favor of Jesus Christ. We believe that through acceptance of salvation and operating in obediently love the rewards of favor will be even magnanimousin your life because you are a part of the body of Christ.
Be You
We believe in intensely pursuing the population of unbelievers and embracing them with unconditional love, regardless of where they are in life.
We believe what the word of God declares when it says in John 13:35 that men will know we are disciples by the Love that we show one to another! It is our goal to love more intensely, more intentionally, more fervently and with grace and compassion.
T.H.U.S. sets out to focus on the wellness of the family makeup. We believe that every family can operate and live in generational blessings ONLY, and never generational curses. We believe in covenant marriages between a man and a woman and embrace children on all familial relationships.
Bishop Roberts’ have two scriptures
Bishop Roberts’ Have Two Scriptures That Fuel His Passion To Preach The Word Of God To The People:
His passion is to be a blessing to those God allows him to encounter, regardless of the societal dilemma that they have found themselves in. He has had the privilege of teaching the word of God to edify, reproof & correct to the people of God, including himself.
He has two scriptures that fuel his passion to preach the word of God to the people:
1) Acts 3:6 “Then Peter said, silver and gold I have none, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene-walk!”
2) Romans 10:1 “Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved.”
He is a proud father & he seeks to allow his children to see that regardless of what happens in this life, as long as God is kept first and we continue to have faith, we can accomplish anything.